Lihtsa ehitusega, 20T survejõuga hüdropress kodukasutusse. Tungraud surumehhanismiga raami töökäik 0-770 mm. Pressi töötasapinna vahele saab paigaldada kuni 490 mm laiust detaili. Tasapinna kõrgus on üles-alla reguleeritav 870 mm ulatuses. Pressi kõrgus 1500 mm. Spetsiaalne tugev ja vastupidav värvkate.
Transport to parcel machine
- From 1 working day all over Estonia (except islands).
- The exact cost of transport is shown in the shopping cart.
- Delivery takes place daily from 9 am to 7 pm.
Transport to the front door
- From 1 working day all over Estonia (except islands).
- The exact cost of transport is shown in the shopping cart.
- The goods are delivered in front of the house and are not delivered to the room.
- Delivery takes place daily from 9 am to 7 pm.