Rain-X Plastic Water Repellent on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud vetthülgav kaitse plastpindadele. Sobib hästi mootorrataste tuuleklaaside, kiivri visiiride ning paatide tuuleklaaside hooldamiseks. Lihtne kasutada ning peale kanda. Toode tagab suurepärase vetthülgava nähtamatu kihi, tõrjudes nii vett kui vihma, pakkudes selgemat nähtavust turvalisemaks sõitmiseks. Sobib kasutamiseks erinevatel plastpindadel, sh Lexon®, Plexiglas®, Lucite®, akrüül- ja polükarbonaat (plastikplaadid, plastikprofiili) pindadel.
Transport to parcel machine
- From 1 working day all over Estonia (except islands).
- The exact cost of transport is shown in the shopping cart.
- Delivery takes place daily from 9 am to 7 pm.
Transport to the front door
- From 1 working day all over Estonia (except islands).
- The exact cost of transport is shown in the shopping cart.
- The goods are delivered in front of the house and are not delivered to the room.
- Delivery takes place daily from 9 am to 7 pm.